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Conférence inaugurale du symposium Crises
Date : 2022-09-20 | 14:00:00-16:00:00
Évènement :
Symposium CriseS
Programme détaillé : cliquer ci-contre
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Amphithéâtre Carthage al-Hadatha |
Responsable : | |
Modérateur·trice : Melika Ouelbani | |
Discutant·e : | |
Les intervenant·e·s : | |
Ben Achour Sana | Carthage |
Remaoun Hassan | CRASC |
Conférence inaugurale du symposium Crises Modératrice : Melika Ouelbani, Université de Tunis
- Hassan Remaoun, Université Es-Senia, CRASC, Oran, (Algérie), Au carrefour des Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) : la notion de crise à travers quelques séquences du processus socio-historique
En réalité avec la notion à prétention conceptuelle de « crise », nous nous retrouvons au cœur même des mécanismes en œuvre dans les processus de continuité et de changement social que des disciplines aux ambitions fédératrices concurrentes telles l’anthropologie et l’histoire tentent d’aborder chacune à sa manière. Ceci en confrontant « évènement » (sur le « court » et « moyen » terme) et « structure » pour tenter de se rejoindre à travers l’approche par le « temps long » et aboutir avec l’anthropologie historique, à une éventuelle jonction entre les deux disciplines.
L’analyse des crises peut contribuer à éclairer sur la nature du hiatus entre continuité et rupture des processus socio-historiques, avec ce que cela suppose comme interactions dialectiques entre courte et longue durées, acteurs et systèmes voire entre nature et culture (et donc civilisations lorsqu’on se réfère à Arnold Toynbee ), entre subjectivité et objectivité ou conscience, identité et aliénation; ou encore, plus précisément chez Marx et ses continuateurs, entre infrastructure et superstructure, entre classes antagoniques et plus prosaïquement entre politique, révolution et histoire. Occasion à ne pas rater pour illustrer le tout à travers la visite de quelques séquences socio-historiques à portées universelles et puisées dans des processus ayant eu cours dans la sphère arabo-islamique et ailleurs dans le monde.
- Sana Ben Achour, Université de Carthage, Le droit en ses états de crise
Le thème de la crise renvoie en droit à deux principaux régimes : l'urgence et l'état d'exception . Particulièrement étudiée dans les pays occidentaux ( Agamben, Troper, Goupy, etc.), la thématique demeure peu explorée dans les pays arabes et maghrébins alors même que leur histoire comme leur actualité juridique et politique (notamment celle de la Tunisie depuis le 25 juillet 2021) offrent l'occasion d'interroger les deux versants du problème : " le droit des crises et le droit en crise" . La question est d'analyser la capacité du droit en temps de crise à réguler la crise qui impose l'urgence et l'exception. Quelles sont ces urgences et ces exceptions? Quels régimes imposent-elles? Tendent-elles à revenir à un état de"normalité juridique" ou au contraire à "normaliser l'exception"?
- Hassan Remaoun, Université Es-Senia, CRASC, Oran, (Algérie), Au carrefour des Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) : la notion de crise à travers quelques séquences du processus socio-historique
في مفترق طرق العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية: مفهوم الأزمة من خلال بعض أطوار السيرورات الاجتماعية والتاريخية
إزاء مفهوم "الأزمة" ذي البعد النظري، نجد أنفسنا في قلب الآليات المؤثِّرة في سيرورات التواصل والتغيير الاجتماعي والتي تحاول تناولها، كل بطريقتها، عِدّةُ اختصاصات متنافسة لها نزعات توحيدية، مثل الأنثروبولوجيا والتاريخ. وتوضيحا لهذه الفرضية، سوف نقوم بمقابلة بين "الحدث" (على المدى "القصير" و "المتوسط") و"البِنْيَة"، في محاولة لجعلهما يلتقيان عبر مقاربة تعتمد "الزمن الطويل"، من شأنها أن تؤدي إلى انصهار الاختصاصين في إطار الأنثروبولوجيا التاريخية.
يمكن لتحليل الأزمات أن يساهم في إلقاء الضوء على طبيعة الفجوة بين استمرارية السيرورات الاجتماعية والتاريخية وانقطاعها، مع ما يعنيه ذلك من تفاعلات جدلية بين الفترات القصيرة والطويلة، والفاعلين والمنظومات، وحتى بين الطبيعة والثقافة (أي الحضارات حسب تعبير أرنولد توينبي) ، بين الذاتية والموضوعية أو الوعي والهوية والاغتراب ؛ أو بشكل أكثر تحديدًا لدى ماركس وأتباعه ، بين البنية التحتية والبنية الفوقية ، بين الطبقات المتناحرة وعلى صعيد أوسع، بين السياسة والثورة والتاريخ. إنها فرصة لا يمكن التفريط فيها، لتوضيح كلّ ما ذُكِر، عبر التوقف عند "اللحظات" التاريخية والاجتماعية ذات البعد العالمي والمستلهمة من السيرورات التي حصلت في المجال العربي الإسلامي وفي بقاع أخرى من العالم.
- Sana Ben Achour, Université de Carthage, Le droit en ses états de crise
القانون في حالاته المتأزمة
يشير موضوع الأزمة في مجال الحقوق والقانون إلى نظامين رئيسيين: حالة الطوارئ وحالة الاستثناء. لقد تمَّ تناول الموضوع بشكل خاص في الدول الغربية (Agamben ، و Troper ، و Goupy ، وغيرهم) ، إلا أنه لا يزال غير مدروس بما فيه الكفاية، في البلدان العربية والمغاربية؛ في حين أن تاريخها، بالإضافة إلى ما يجدّ فيها في مجالي الحقوق والسياسية (خاصة أن تونس منذ 25 يوليو 2021) تمثل فرصة لمساءلة جانبي القضية: "قانون الأزمات وأزمات القانون". يتمثل السؤال المطروح في تحليل قدرة القانون زمن الأزمات على التحكّم في الأزمة وتعديلها إذ أنها تفرض الاستعجال والاستثناء. فما هي حالات الطوارئ والاستثناءات؟ ما هي الأنظمة التي تفرضها؟ هل تتجه نحو العودة إلى حالة "طبيعية قانونية" أو على عكس ذلك نحو "تطبيع الاستثناء وتقنينه"؟
- Hassan Remaoun, Université Es-Senia, CRASC, Oran, (Algérie), Au carrefour des Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS) : la notion de crise à travers quelques séquences du processus socio-historique
At the crossroads of Human and Social Sciences (HSS) : the notion of crisis through some sequences of the socio-historical process
In use at least since Greek antiquity, the notion of crisis has passed through various meanings, probably first borrowing from phenomena more or less related to the relationship of man with nature (disease, agriculture ...), to gain the sphere of scholarly knowledge adjoining both the natural sciences and those of man and society. This has not prevented the tendency to make it a "catch-all" notion, a "word-value" in the sense of Deleuze.
Beyond the polysemous use that may have marked it, sometimes bringing it closer to a terminology that refers to "anomie" (Émile Durkheim), to "conflict" (Julien Freund), to "catastrophe" (in the wake of the work of mathematician René Thom) or even to the Freudian "complex", its emergence in natural or social processes must be approached with the SHS as a revelation of new possibilities.
The disturbances in the type of regulation of a given system, which can go as far as blockage and reconfiguration, as much as the prodromes and then the outburst of the crisis, can in fact open the way to new types of functioning, mutations (not to be confused with simple summations) carrying possibilities of adaptation to new conjunctures and contexts of endogenous or exogenous origins, and thus to more performance. There may then be the emergence of new physical, biological (Darwinian evolutionism) or social bodies, the latter being the domain on which our discussion will focus.
The moment of crisis can indeed help us to better define the passage formalized by Durkheim from mechanical solidarities to organic solidarities, or by Ferdinand Tönnies in the sense of a possible transition from community to society, or by Max Weber from one ideal type to another and why not Ibn Khaldun with his approach on the extinction and renewal of the Asabiyya.
In fact, the HSS cannot do without this notion of "crisis" that we find used in disciplines at the same time as close (by their object) and as far from each other (by their approaches and methods), as psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics, economy, history and some others. This is to the point where, in order to approach it in all its "complexity" (in the sense of Edgar Morin), transdisciplinarity is more than recommended, including by calling upon the natural sciences.
In fact, with the conceptual notion of "crisis", we find ourselves at the very heart of the mechanisms at work in the processes of continuity and social change that disciplines with competing unifying ambitions such as anthropology and history each attempt to address in their own way. This is done by confronting "event" (in the "short" and "medium" term) and "structure" in an attempt to reach a common understanding through the "long term" approach and, with historical anthropology, to reach a possible junction between the two disciplines. The analysis of crises can contribute to shed light on the nature of the hiatus between continuity and rupture of socio-historical processes, with what this implies in terms of dialectical interactions between short and long durations, actors and systems, or even between nature and culture (and thus civilizations when we refer to Arnold Toynbee), between subjectivity and objectivity or consciousness, identity and alienation, or more precisely, with Marx and his followers, between infrastructure and superstructure, between antagonistic classes and more prosaically between politics, revolution and history.
This is an opportunity not to be missed to illustrate the whole through the visit of some socio-historical sequences with universal scope and drawn from processes that took place in the Arab-Islamic sphere and elsewhere in the world.
- Sana Ben Achour, Université de Carthage, Le droit en ses états de crise
The Law in state of crisis
The theme of crisis refers in law to two main regimes: the emergency and the state of exception. Particularly studied in Western countries (Agamben, Troper, Goupy, etc.), the theme remains little explored in the Arab and Maghreb countries, even though their history as well as their legal and political current events (particularly that of Tunisia since July 25, 2021) lead us to question the two sides of the problem: "the law of crisis" and "the law in crisis". This problem is the capacity of the law in times of crisis to regulate the crisis that imposes the emergency and the exception. What are these emergencies and exceptions? What regimes do they impose? Do they tend to return to a state of "legal normality" or on the contrary to "normalize the exception"?
The theme of crisis refers in law to two main regimes: the emergency and the state of exception. Particularly studied in Western countries (Agamben, Troper, Goupy, etc.), the theme remains little explored in the Arab and Maghreb countries, even though their history as well as their legal and political current events (particularly that of Tunisia since July 25, 2021) lead us to question the two sides of the problem: "the law of crisis" and "the law in crisis". This problem is the capacity of the law in times of crisis to regulate the crisis that imposes the emergency and the exception. What are these emergencies and exceptions? What regimes do they impose? Do they tend to return to a state of "legal normality" or on the contrary to "normalize the exception"?