Responsable: >Baccar Gherib
A98 - Table-ronde/débat : L'économie dans la cité
Date : 2022-09-23 | 08:45:00-10:45:00
Évènement :
Rencontre« Sciences sociales et Société »
Programme détaillé : cliquer ci-contre
Catégorie : | ||
T.R. | ||
Lieu : | ||
FLAHM | ||
Salle : | ||
Salle polyvalente |
Responsable : Baccar Gherib | |
Modérateur·trice : Mongi Mokaddem | |
Discutant·e : | |
Les intervenant·e·s : | |
Gherib Baccar | Université de Tunis El Manar |
Ben Hammouda Hakim | N/A |
Baccouche Mounir | Temenos |
Zaiem Hedi | Université de Tunis El Manar |
A98 - Table-ronde/débat : L'économie dans la cité Salle: Salle polyvalente Responsable: Baccar Gherib, Université Tunis El Manar Modérateur : Mongi Mokaddem, Faculté de sciences économiques et de gestion de Tunis
A98 - Table-ronde/débat : L'économie dans la cité
Après 2011, en raison des slogans à contenu économique et social de la révolution, et grâce à la liberté d'expression recouvrée, les économistes tunisiens ont été interpellés par les élites politiques et l'opinion publique en général à propos des limites du modèle économique de l'ancien régime, des grandes lignes du modèle alternatif à mettre en place et des différentes réformes sectorielles à promouvoir pour une Tunisie plus prospère, plus juste et plus inclusive. Mais les économistes ont déçu les attentes. Par ailleurs, à la fin de chaque année, l'opinion sent le besoin d'être éclairée sur la philosophie et les enjeux de la nouvelle loi de finances. Mais ici aussi les économistes ne sont pas audibles ou peinent à encadrer de vrais débats, les positions affichées se situant très souvent dans le cadre d'une stricte approche libérale. Dès lors, il est important de s'interroger sur l'incapacité des économistes à investir véritablement le débat public au moment où les questions économiques deviennent aussi cruciales. Cela est-il dû à l'emprise sur les économistes d'une théorie néoclassique abstraite sans liens avec la société et l'histoire? Est-ce dû à la domination dans l'enseignement et la recherche, depuis la réforme des années 1990, de cette orthodoxie économique qui aurait expulsé toutes les hétérodoxies et mis fin ainsi à un enseignement pluraliste de l'économie? Est-ce dû à la configuration et aux caractéristiques du champ de la science économique en Tunisie, pour reprendre un concept de Bourdieu, qui a mis au ban une économie plus politique, plus enracinée dans la société? Ou est-ce parce que la démarche critique ayant été abandonnée par les économistes au temps de l'autoritarisme, il n'est pas facile de la retrouver aujourd'hui?
Les panélistes se proposeront donc d'explorer les raison pour lesquelles la science économique tunisienne n'est pas davantage dans la cité?
Round table/debate: The economy in the city
After 2011, because of the slogans with economic and social content of the revolution, and thanks to the recovered freedom of expression, Tunisian economists have been questioned by political elites and public opinion in general about the limits of the economic model of the former regime, the broad outlines of the alternative model to be implemented and the various sectoral reforms to be promoted for a more prosperous, fairer and more inclusive Tunisia. But the economists have disappointed expectations. Moreover, at the end of each year, the public opinion feels the need to be enlightened on the philosophy and the stakes of the new finance law. But here again, economists are not heard or have difficulty in framing real debates, as the positions they take are very often within the framework of a strict liberal approach. Therefore, it is important to question the incapacity of economists to really invest the public debate at a time when economic issues are becoming so crucial. Is this due to the hold of an abstract neoclassical theory on economists, with no links to society and history? Is it due to the domination in teaching and research, since the reform of the 1990s, of this economic orthodoxy that would have expelled all heterodoxies and thus put an end to a pluralist teaching of economics? Is this due to the configuration and characteristics of the field of economics in Tunisia, to use Bourdieu's concept, which has sidelined a more political economy, more rooted in society? Or is it because the critical approach was abandoned by economists during the period of authoritarianism, and it is not easy to recover it today?
After 2011, because of the slogans with economic and social content of the revolution, and thanks to the recovered freedom of expression, Tunisian economists have been questioned by political elites and public opinion in general about the limits of the economic model of the former regime, the broad outlines of the alternative model to be implemented and the various sectoral reforms to be promoted for a more prosperous, fairer and more inclusive Tunisia. But the economists have disappointed expectations. Moreover, at the end of each year, the public opinion feels the need to be enlightened on the philosophy and the stakes of the new finance law. But here again, economists are not heard or have difficulty in framing real debates, as the positions they take are very often within the framework of a strict liberal approach. Therefore, it is important to question the incapacity of economists to really invest the public debate at a time when economic issues are becoming so crucial. Is this due to the hold of an abstract neoclassical theory on economists, with no links to society and history? Is it due to the domination in teaching and research, since the reform of the 1990s, of this economic orthodoxy that would have expelled all heterodoxies and thus put an end to a pluralist teaching of economics? Is this due to the configuration and characteristics of the field of economics in Tunisia, to use Bourdieu's concept, which has sidelined a more political economy, more rooted in society? Or is it because the critical approach was abandoned by economists during the period of authoritarianism, and it is not easy to recover it today?
The panelists will therefore explore the reasons why Tunisian economics is not more in the city?